Do Real Men Cry?
Yes, real men do cry. They are human. And it's okay. So, why not?
Why are we letting our men and boys carry these tags and burdens?
and it's okay
it detoxifies the body and releases feel-good chemicals
don't suppress your tears
don't fit into a mold
cry when you want to
and it's okay
it's one of the body’s natural healing mechanisms
it's not a sign of weakness
don't fit into a mold
cry when you want to
There's a reason for the Japanese rui-katsu
There's a reason for the Nigerian asaaju oku
I give you the permission to cry when you have to
White boys cry, white men cry
and it's okay
it relieves stress, releases tight muscles and aids sleep
holding back your tears can hurt you
don't fit into a mold
cry when you want
Brown boys cry, brown men cry
and it's okay.
it restores emotional balance
don't numb your feelings, honor your sensitivities
don't fit into a mold
cry when you want
All boys cry, all men cry
if they want to, how they want
they don't have to fit into a mold
let them cry when they want to
let them cry when they need to
Jumi Eniola
Photo Credit: Goh Rhy Yan, Unsplash