Canada's big freeze

I wore my London winter Jacket when I first landed in Ottawa. The weather was at an unforgiving -40 degrees Celsius. 

I would have frozen if Mr. B, my brother-in-law had not brought a Canadian jacket along to pick me at the airport. 

Emphasis must be placed on a Canadian jacket. That could make a difference between you following the route taken by Lots wife and you just coasting along with the big freeze singing "quid sera sera."

So to my friends who are curious to know what's the weather up here and hope I coped on my first day around here, yes, it gets pretty cold out here. 

It is not mild like the winter you are used to  in some mildly chilly places. This is the North and things get really frozen. Lol.

And yes, sometimes I question my life decisions and choices living here.

What on earth could have made me leave the warm, sunny, all-year-round-summer in Nigeria for this big chill? True. But guess what? I'm grateful for every second of peaceful existence here. I will take the cold.

Jumoke Eniola Odepe